Angel’s Trip to Birmingham …..

Last Tuesday evening Angel came over to Blackburn to spend a few days with us. We had a busy few days ahead, which started with a trip to Cadbury world on the Wednesday!

We all (all 10 of us!) got up early and packed a very carefully made picnic and set off in two cars down to bournville.

Everything was going fine… for about 2 hours, when unfortunately Angel had a turn. With vomiting and diarrhea Angel’s trip was cut short and she was rushed to Birmingham Children’s hospital.

Here she is when she arrived,


Where she was admitted to PAU – Pediatric Admissions Unit.


After a night on a drip and some extra meds (since she had puked them all up!) she was discharged the next day.

Here she is happy at that news!!


Her Auntie drove down with her little cousin Joel, and picked Angel and Bev up and brought her back to our house, she made it in time for Warren’s party! Then she went back home to Blackpool, with my cousin Elle accompanying her for the ride.

Thanks for all the well wishes! Posts about the weekend to follow.

E x

2 thoughts on “Angel’s Trip to Birmingham …..

  1. Pingback: Overnight stay in Birmingham Children’s Hospital… | Angel Gregson

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